Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 4, 2008

First blog

The weather is not so great outside, and I was thinking I should write a blog !
After choosing some great colors : Red and White, I could only think of Christmas !
I love Christmas !
Not only it's the rememberance of Jesus' birth, but it's also a time for family togetherness !!
This year, my sister Sara, her husband and her baby boy Jeremy will come to Bordeaux !
I can't wait to see them.
And let's not forget that Baby Jeremy will be celebrating his first Christmas and his first birthday !! So exciting !
I just wish my other sister Erika and her 3 beautiful children : James, Lil'bet and Luke could be part of our Bordeaux celebration.
Perhaps next year?!!!


Erika said...

or maybe, rebecca and your little family and sara and her family could move back to the states and we could all be a big happy family. You do have a lot of clothes to come get here.

Beatrice said...

well I wish you all a Merry Christmas and maybe we can be all together with the webcam.....

Sharon said...

Congratulations on the Baby! I hope you are feeling well...And I hope both what your Mom and Erika said for next year!